The Real First Post

I have always envied artists. Having lived with one for 20 years, I know from experience that they see the world differently. I remember coming home to find my sister on the floor in the middle of her latest project, literally. God only knew what the medium for her creativity would be that week. Often, it was a sketchpad and different pencils (little did I know at the time that there was more than one kind of graphite pencil). Sometimes, it was the plethora of colorful college mail we were both bombarded with for two years. Once, it was even the wiring of an old laptop and a sledgehammer. What looked like random pieces of junk to me were put together to create something more beautiful and unique than I could possibly imagine.

What I am coming to understand is that while I can’t create art out of computers, I also have something to add to the world that is just as unique. I won’t arrogantly presume that everyone will stop and listen and be awed by what I have to say, but I’ve finally mustered up the courage to join the conversation that is life regardless.

4 thoughts on “The Real First Post”

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